According to Musk, SpaceX Starship could launch on its orbital test flight by the end of April.

The flight depends on license approval from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Musk took to Twitter to inform everyone about the flight.

Starship is made up of a giant first-stage booster, Super Heavy, and a 50 meters upper-stage spacecraft, Starship.

Both stainless-steel vehicles are designed to be fully and rapidly reusable.

SpaceX powers both the next-gen Raptor engine — 33 for Super Heavy and 6 for Starship.

The success rate of the mission is around 50%.

SpaceX is building multiple Starship vehicles at the South Texas site.

These vehicles will be launched coming months.

There's about an 80% chance one of them will reach orbit this year.

The giant, stainless-steel vehicle will be the most powerful rocket ever to fly, featuring about 2.5 times more thrust at liftoff than NASA’s iconic Saturn V.

 Starship is developed to take people and cargo to the Moon and Mars.